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In looking at the pivotal theme of injustice within the literary story Matilda, by Roald Dahl, students identify various forms of mistreatment they witness at school and home. Through much discussion, students identify the conflict and discover empathetic approaches when writing anti-bulling commercials. Commercials are professionally filmed and showcased to teach how not to be a bully and to stand up for others.


CCSS English Language Arts
RL 4.1, RL 4.2, RL 4.3, RL 4.6, RL 4.7, RL 4.9, W 4.1, W 4.3, W 4.4, W 4.5, W 4.6, W 4.9, SL 4.1a-d, SL 4.3, SL 4.4, SL 4.5

CA Arts Standards
4.TH:Cr1a-c, 4.TH:Cr2a-b, 4.TH:Cr3a-c, 4.TH:Pr4b, 4.TH:Pr6, 4.TH:Re7, 4.TH:Re8a, 4.TH:Re9a-b, 4.TH:Cn10, 4.TH:Cn11.1a-b

Grade Level