That’s what I find when my students are doing art—they blow me away with their thinking.
Barbara ( Silouettes and Symbols Workshop participant)
Dance can transcend our written or spoken form of language.
CoTA Movement Workshop participant
Yes so many things! Becoming the character, writing from the character’s point of view, finding symbols and theme, collaborative student mural, movement to embody emotion and feeling from text, spoken word poetry performance….owning it…words said take on a different level……all these strategies delve deeper into understanding literary purpose, meaning and self-expression.
CoTA Literary Institute participant
I see most importantly is that it’s allowed all students to gain access to the learning, access to the content, which, I see now, provides some equity in instruction. Kids are less likely to be marginalized, because of the access that they can have with the content, through the arts.
What it’s boiling down to is a shift in perspective… from knowing to understanding; from being told about to being given the experience. Very powerful! Of course I knew all of that academically, but I got to experience it in relation to ELA. Thank you 🙂
CoTA Literary Institute participant
I see most importantly is that it’s allowed all students to gain access to the learning, access to the content, which, I see now, provides some equity in instruction. Kids are less likely to be marginalized, because of the access that they can have with the content, through the arts.
This is a really good way for students to accept that there are [different] artistic choices made and we still understand them. Every choice of visualization is valid and we’re still telling the same story.
Leo (CoTA Teaching Artist)