We are excited to announce the location of this year’s STEAM Institute. Join us at the glorious new state of the art UC San Diego Park & Market building in Downtown San Diego. And don’t forget to pre-register now to have the deposit fee waived! Pre-registration ends on January 8.
Dates: Two-day training on Saturday, February 25 and March 4, 2023
Times: 9am – 3:30pm
Location: UC San Diego Park & Market in Downtown
For: K through 5th Grade Educators (but all grade level teachers are welcome!)
The full STEAM Institute schedule and open registration will be available in January 2023. Pre-registration ends on January 8. For more info, visit: https://cotaprogram.org/steam/
Thank you to our CoTA STEAM Institute sponsor, The Conrad Prebys Foundation and venue sponsor, The UC San Diego Department of Education and Community Outreach at the Division of Extended Studies.