What is the water cycle? How do we get our water? How do people around the world get theirs? While pondering these questions, students explore not only how they receive water, but also how other people around the world get their water and that not everyone has equal access to adequate amounts of clean and safe water. Students design posters and other items that educate about water use and water as a precious resource (the new “gold”). Together, they create an installation that engages the school and community and provides information about water, water use, and pollution.
CCSS English Language Arts
RI 3.2, RI 3.3, RI 3.5, RI 3.9, RI 3.10, W 3.2, W 3.4, W 3.5, W 3.6, W 3.7, W 3.8
NGSS Science
3-ESS3.B, 3-ESS3-1
3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.5.1, 3.5.3
CA Arts Standards
3.VA:Cr2.1, 3.VA:Cr2.2, 3.VA:Re7.1, 3.VA:Re7.2, 3.VA:Re9