Students write and illustrate a class book about two unlikely friends and the importance of following rules. Students analyze settings, characters, and scenarios in order to design, create, illustrate, and author a class book. Students are teamed up to work collaboratively in pairs to create pages for the book, applying a range of visual art techniques and materials. Students are further challenged to match settings with their partner, but add their specific character doing specific things. For example, in the Alligator vs. Fish book, one student creates a scene where Fish is following a specific rule of the playground, and Alligator is not following the rule. To culminate, students publish their book and present it to an invited audience.
CCSS English Language Arts
RL 3, RL 7, RL 9, SL 1, SL 5, SL 6
1.1, 1.2, 1.3
CA Arts Standards
K.VA.Cr1.1, K.VA:Cr1.2, K.VA:Cr2.1, K.VA:Cr2.3, K.VA:Cr3, K.VA:Re8, K.VA:Cn10