Students take an in-depth look at the creative writing process, exploring the genre of science fiction. They draw inspiration from the writing of Humberto Rivas and experience the freedom of creating customized graphic organizers. As students delve deeper into their stories, they choose a main event to represent through a minimalist model. Constructing the model encourages students to focus on the climax of their story, describing it in detail. Students present their models, as well as the paragraph(s) that go with them, reflecting on ways they can use tools they’ve worked with to strengthen future writing projects.
CCSS English Language Arts
RL 6.1, RL 6.2, RL 6.4, RL 6.5, W 6.3a-d, W 6.4, W 6.5, SL 6.1a-d, L 6.3a-b, L 6.6
NGSS Science
MS-ETS1-1, MS-ETS1-2, MS-ETS1-3
CA Arts Standards
5.VA:Re8, 6.VA:Re9, 4.VA:Cr3, 5.VA:Cr3
Grade Level
6Teaching Artist