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In honing their skills as independent, enthusiastic readers, and confident, articulate speakers, students engage in comprehensive readings and analysis of short scripted versions of The Three Billy Goats Gruff and The Ugly Duckling. Their keen observations and interpretations are translated into a series of puppet theatre performances, each with a focus on character development, symbolic expression, careful vocal presence, nonverbal cues, teamwork and independent intuition, and response to criticism. Through trial and error, classroom feedback, and a willingness to take risks, students learn that small nuances have the ability to demonstrate large ideas about character, settings, transitions, and resolution.


CCSS English Language Arts
RL 2.1, RL 2.2, RL 2.3, RL 2.6, RF 2.4, L 2.3, SL 2.4

CA Arts Standards
K.TH:Pr4, 1.TH:Pr4, 2.TH:Pr4, 3.TH:Cr1a, 3TH:Pr5, 2.TH:Cn11.1b, 1.TH:Cn11.2b, 2.TH:Cn11.2b

Grade Level