By making a book of maps, students explore map making and map reading to understand people, places, and environment. Students create maps of Olivewood Elementary, National City, California, the United States, and North America. As the maps broaden, students gain perspective on how little their community is in relation to the rest of the world. By creating a visual representation, they understand geographical locations and landmarks like the Grand Canyon and our state capital. Students utilize their maps by creating symbols and using features such as a legend, scale, compass, and grid.
CCSS English Language Arts
SL 2.1, SL 2.2
2.2, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.4, 2.3
CA Arts Standards
3.VA:Cr3, 2.VA:Cn10
Grade Level
2Teaching Artist
Emeritus CoTA Teaching Artists
Teaching Artist