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Students embark on a geographical, historical, and cultural journey through concepts of place and belonging. Students analyze their place within their school, their community, and in the larger world. They connect, read, and create maps by researching the cities, states, and countries where their parents and grandparents were born. Students learn regional dances from places their ancestors came from, and create culturally relevant costumes/props to accompany their dances. The project culminates with a performance and reflection on the process of researching their lineage.


CCSS English Language Arts
SL 2.1a-c, SL 2.2a, SL 2.3, SL 2.4, SL 2.6

2.1.1-2, 2.1, 2.2.1-3

CA Arts Standards
2.VA:Cn10, 2.VA:Cn11, 2.MU:Re7.2, 2.DA:Cr1a-b, 2.DA:Pr4a.c., 2.DA:Pr5a-b, 2.DA:Pr6a-b, 2.DA:Re7b, 2.DA:Re9

Grade Level