Students embark on a movement journey to explore many realms of learning. Including both independent and collaborative activities, they improvise stationary and traveling movements to embody and express life science, earth science, and English language knowledge and skills. They deepen their science learning as they embody the movement of living things, environments with different weather, and how humans dress for, behave in, and measure types of weather. Students develop their language skills as they speak, listen, and move, and they demonstrate their understanding by translating letters and words into whole-body movement. The project culminates with a revisiting of the movement activities to integrate the learning, and to take photographs that can be shared and celebrated with family and friends.
CCSS English Language Arts
Pre-K SL 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1; R 3.2, 4.2
NGSS Science
Pre-K/TK Science Practice equivalents: wondering about science; modeling concepts and processes; embodying what we know and understand
3.1.2, 3.2.2, 3.5.1, 3.5.2
CA Arts Standards
PK.DA.Cr1a-b, PK.DA.Cr2a-b, PK.DA.Cr3, PK.DA.Pr4a-c, PK.DA.Pr5a-b, PK.DA.Pr6a-b, PK.DA.Re7a
Grade Level
TKTeaching Artist