Inspired by Valerie Wyatt’s How to Build Your Own Country, Grade 2 teacher Elaine Pompa was interested in having her students engage in artful activities to complement Social Studies lessons on government. Working in groups, students created countries from a big to little focus, starting with a map and flag, representing the whole nation, to smaller slice-of-life ideas, like characteristic foods and languages.
CCSS English Language Arts
RI 2.1, RI 2, RI 3, RI 3.1, RI 5, RI 7, W 2.2, W 3.3, W 5, W 7, SL 2.1, SL 2.2, SL 2.3, SL 3.1, SL 3, SL 4
CA Arts Standards
2.VA:Cr1.1.2a, 2.VA:Cr.1.2.2a, 2.VA:Cr2.1.2a, 2.VA:Cr3.1.2a, 2.VA:Re.7.1.2a, 2.VA:Cn10.1.2a, 3.VA:Cr1.1.3, 3.VA:Cr.1.2.3a, 3.VA:Cr.2.1.3a, 3.VA:Cr2.3.3a, 3.VA:Cr3.1.3a, 3.VA:Pr5.1.3a, 3.VA:Re7.2.3a
Grade Level
2 3Teaching Artist