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In this culturally rich creative movement project, students reflect, dance, write, and speak about their ancestors—the countries they came from, how they arrived in America, their stories and valued artifacts, the culture from their countries of origin and integrating the multiplicity of roles that dance can play within those cultures. Interweaving the learning and creating of cultural dances, expressive creative movement, and descriptive text, the project culminates in a personally and culturally meaningful live performance event.


CCSS English Language Arts
W 2.2, W 2.3, W 2.7, W 2.8, SL 2.1a-c, SL 2.2a, SL 2.4, SL 2.5, SL 2.6

2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.2.3

CA Arts Standards
2.DA:Cr1.1.2a-b, 2.DA:Cr2.1.2b, 2.DA:Cr3.1.2a, 2.DA:Pr5.1.2a-c, 2.DA:Pr6.1.2a-b, 2.DA:Re7.1.2b, 2.DA:Re9.1.2a, 2.DA:Cn10.1.2a

Grade Level