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Combining and applying the natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics with sculpture, students construct two-dimensional and three-dimensional models of plants at differing scales. . Recording their scientific observations and inquiry of a variety of plant materials (flowers, leaves, seedlings, etc.) and specimens of pollinators form the Natural History Museum, students create botany journals to document their questions, findings, and speculations throughout the project. Upon studying the source materials, students identify parts of plants, features of the animals that help with pollination, and discuss how these physical features help each other to survive. Students make small-scale sculptures representing plants from seed to flower, after which they create large-scale sculptures in a process that requires them to carefully evaluate the weight, height, width, and choice of materials as they engineer the large-scale models


CCSS English Language Arts
W 1.2, W 1.3, W 1.7, W 1.8, SL 1.1, SL 1.2, SL 1.3, SL 1.4, SL 1.5, SL 1.6

NGSS Science
1-LS1-1, LS1.A, K-2-ETS1-2

1.MD.1.2, 1.G.1.1, 1.G.1.2

CA Arts Standards
2.VA:Cr2.1, 3.VA:Cn10, 2.VA:Cn10

Grade Level