Students take a whirlwind tour of the solar system, exploring our solar system’s celestial bodies through the medium of movement and dance. They begin with developing their skills and confidence in moving creatively, translating scientific ideas about our sun into physicalized expressions, and creating unusual statues to cast unusual shadows that can be drawn around and wondered about. Each student selects and researches a planet in our solar system and translates the scientific information into expressive whole-body movements. Their dance phrases are filmed and photographed so that they can be combined with informative writing to create a multimedia slideshow. The project culminates with a sharing of the students’ artistry and science knowledge to an audience of family, students, and teachers.
CCSS English Language Arts
R 4.4, 4.7, 4.8; W 4.2a, b & d, 4.4, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9; SL 4.2, 4.4, 4.5
NGSS Science
NGSS aspects of DCI ESS1.B (from the standard 5-ESS1-2)
CA Arts Standards
4.DA:Cr1a, 4.DA:Cr2, 5.DA:Re7a, 5.DA:Re8, 4:DA:Cn10
Grade Level
4 5 SDCTeaching Artist