Curated Spaces Virtual Educator Workshop Series
Dates: Tuesdays – September 10, October 8, October 29, and November 19
Times: 4PM – 5:30PM PT
Location: Virtual via Zoom
For: 6th through 12th Grade Teachers
Registration is closed
Using the Arts to Amplify Student Voices and Stories: A virtual workshop series for middle and high school teachers
In this professional development workshop series, learn how the visual and performing arts can inspire youth to navigate personal, local, and global issues through critical thinking and creative execution.
The Curated Spaces Virtual Workshop Series Includes the Following:
Destroy and Create: Altered Book Sculptures
Tuesday, September 10, 4PM – 5:30PM
By Reneé Weissenburger
Turn an old, hardcover book into a personalized, open-faced sculpture. Cut it, tear it, tape pages together, and cover it with handmade papers and markers. Incorporate found objects, drawings, or writings. Fill it with imaginings and dreams. In the end, you will have a three-dimensional, one-of-a-kind keepsake. Each piece will be unique and reflect the ideas and interests of its creator!
Agents of Change: Examining the Transformation of Humans, Real and Imagined, Through Monologue
Tuesday, October 8, 4PM – 5:30PM
By April Boatman
Just as characters are agents of change in a story, making decisions that shape the narrative, we all are agents of change in our own lives and the world. In this session, we will write and perform a first-person monologue that encapsulates the transformation of a literary character. Understanding the experiences, struggles, values, and motivations that drive a character’s growth provides opportunities for introspection, self-reflection, and personal growth.
RE-MIX: Symbols and Identity
Tuesday, October 29, 4PM – 5:30PM
By Leonardo Francisco
Create a richly layered, mixed-media, autobiographical portrait that demonstrates your interests, passions, and place in the world. Drawing inspiration from Jean-Michel Basquiat, a neo-expressionist multimedia artist, and Hip Hop’s intractable ties to pop culture, you will explore various mediums, such as oil pastels, ink, markers, tempera sticks, paper collage, and writing.
Starting with Self: Poetry, Identity & the Senses
Tuesday, November 19, 4PM – 5:30PM
By Tori Rice
There’s only one you—one beautiful, fabulous you! Through a series of lively writing and sensory prompts, you’ll create a poem. A poem that reflects you, your place in the world, and all that makes you shine. Discover and re-imagine the factors that help shape our identity. Tap into rich sensory imagery and evoke a concentrated imaginative awareness.